Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | By: Dalia

RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials Course Content

RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials Course Content


الموضوع النهاردة هو عبارة عن مكونات كورس RH033 محتوياته وعدد فصول الكورس


RH033 Red Hat Linux Essentials

UNIT 1- Overview
clip_image001[1]   Agenda
clip_image001[2]   UNIX History
clip_image001[3]   UNIX Principles
clip_image001[4]   GNU Project/FSF
clip_image001[5]   GPL – GNU General Public License
clip_image001[6]   Linux Origins
clip_image001[7]   Why Linux?
clip_image001[8]   Red hat Enterprise Linux
clip_image001[9]   Recommended hardware Specifications
clip_image001[10]   Local Logins
clip_image001[11]   Virtual Consoles
clip_image001[12]   Running Commands
clip_image001[13]   Changing Your Password
clip_image001[14]   Linux Graphical Environments
clip_image001[15]   End of Unit 1

UNIT 2- Command Line File system Browsing
clip_image001[17]   Agenda
clip_image001[18]   Linux File Hierarchy Concepts
clip_image001[19]   Current Working Directory
clip_image001[20]   Changing Directories
clip_image001[21]   Listing Directory Contents
clip_image001[22]   The Home Directory
clip_image001[23]   Absolute Pathnames
clip_image001[24]   Relative Pathnames
clip_image001[25]   File Names
clip_image001[26]   Copying Files and Directories
clip_image001[27]   Copying Files and Directories: The Destination
clip_image001[28]   Moving and Renaming Files and Directories
clip_image001[29]   Moving and Renaming Files and Directories: The Destination
clip_image001[30]   Removing and Creating Files
clip_image001[31]   Determining File Content
clip_image001[32]   Viewing an Entire Text File
clip_image001[33]   Viewing Files One Screenful at a Time
clip_image001[34]   Slocate
clip_image001[35]   Getting help: man pages
clip_image001[36]   Other Help Utilities
clip_image001[37]   End of Unit 2
clip_image001[38]   Lab: Command Line Filesystem Browsing

UNIT 3- GNOME and KDE Desktops
clip_image001[40]   Agenda
clip_image001[41]   The X Window System
clip_image001[42]   GNOME
clip_image001[43]   KDE
clip_image001[44]   Starting XFree86
clip_image001[45]   Switching Between GNOME and kde
clip_image001[46]   Nautilus
clip_image001[47]   Graphical Terminals
clip_image001[48]   Graphical Editors
clip_image001[49]   Web Browsers
clip_image001[50]   OpenOffice.org Office Suite
clip_image001[51]   Useful Keystrokes in X
clip_image001[52]   Useful Keystrokes in X, continues: Copy& Paste
clip_image001[53]   End of Unit 3
clip_image001[54]   Lab: File system Browsing Using GNOME

UNIT 4- The bash Shell
clip_image001[56]   Agenda
clip_image001[57]   Bash Introduction
clip_image001[58]   Bash Heritage
clip_image001[59]   Command Line Shortcuts
clip_image001[60]   Command Line Expansion
clip_image001[61]   History Tricks
clip_image001[62]   Command Editing Tricks
clip_image001[63]   End of Unit 4
clip_image001[64]   Lab: Exploring the bash Shell

UNIT 5 – Users, Groups, and Permissions
clip_image001[66]   Agenda
clip_image001[67]   Users
clip_image001[68]   Groups
clip_image001[69]   He root User
clip_image001[70]   The Linux Security
clip_image001[71]   Linux File Security
clip_image001[72]   Linux Process Security
clip_image001[73]   Examing Permissions
clip_image001[74]   User Categories
clip_image001[75]   File Permission Types
clip_image001[76]   Examining Directories
clip_image001[77]   Examining User Permissions
clip_image001[78]   Examining Group Permissions
clip_image001[79]   Examining Other Permissions
clip_image001[80]   Changing Permissions – Symbolic Method
clip_image001[81]   Changing Permissions – Numeric Method
clip_image001[82]   End of Unit 5
clip_image001[83]   Lab: File Permissions

UNIT 6 – vi and vim Editor Basics and Printing
clip_image001[85]   Agenda
clip_image001[86]   Overview of vi and vim
clip_image001[87]   Starting vi and vim
clip_image001[88]   Three Modes of vi and vim
clip_image001[89]   Cursor Movement
clip_image001[90]   Entering Insert Mode
clip_image001[91]   Leaving Insert Mode:
clip_image001[92]   Change, Delete, and Yank
clip_image001[93]   Put (paste)
clip_image001[94]   Undoing Changes
clip_image001[95]   Searching for Text
clip_image001[96]   Saving and Exiting: ex mode
clip_image001[97]   A Few Tricks
clip_image001[98]   Printing in Linux
clip_image001[99]   Printing Commands
clip_image001[100]   Printing Utilities
clip_image001[101]   End of Unit 13
clip_image001[102]   Lab: vi and vim Editor Basics

UNIT 7 – The Linux File system
clip_image001[104]   Agenda
clip_image001[105]   Partitions and Filesystems
clip_image001[106]   Inodes
clip_image001[107]   Directories
clip_image001[108]   Cp and Inodes
clip_image001[109]   Mv and Inodes
clip_image001[110]   Rm and Inodes
clip_image001[111]   Symbolic ( or Soft ) Links
clip_image001[112]   Hard Links
clip_image001[113]   The Seven Fundamental Filetypes
clip_image001[114]   Checking Free Space
clip_image001[115]   Find
clip_image001[116]   Finding and Processing Files
clip_image001[117]   Mounting Removable Media
clip_image001[118]   Formatting a Floppy
clip_image001[119]   Why Archiive Files?
clip_image001[120]   Creating an Archive
clip_image001[121]   Inspecting Archives
clip_image001[122]   Extracting an Archive
clip_image001[123]   Why Use File Compression?
clip_image001[124]   Compression Utilities
clip_image001[125]   Using Compression
clip_image001[126]   Compressing Archives
clip_image001[127]   Tar to Unformatted Flopies
clip_image001[128]   End of Unit 7
clip_image001[129]   Lab: The Linux Filesystem

UNIT 8 – Configuring GNOME, KDE, and X-based Tools
clip_image001[131]   Agenda
clip_image001[132]   A Layered Vision of the x Window System
clip_image001[133]   Window Managers
clip_image001[134]   The GNOME Control Center
clip_image001[135]   The KDE Control Center
clip_image001[136]   The panel Application
clip_image001[137]   Configuring nautilus
clip_image001[138]   Configuring gnome – terminal
clip_image001[139]   Saving Desktop Configuration Across Logins
clip_image001[140]   X-based Email Clients
clip_image001[141]   Configuring evolution
clip_image001[142]   End of Unit 8
clip_image001[143]   Lab: Configuring the X Window System

UNIT 9 – The bash Shell and Configuration
clip_image001[145]   Agenda
clip_image001[146]   The bash Shell and Configuration
clip_image001[147]   Variables
clip_image001[148]   Configuring the Shell: Local Variables
clip_image001[149]   Common Local Variables
clip_image001[150]   The PS1 Local Variable
clip_image001[151]   Aliases
clip_image001[152]   Other Shell Configuration Methods
clip_image001[153]   Configuring Commands: Environment Variables
clip_image001[154]   Common Environment Variables
clip_image001[155]   The TRM Environment Variable
clip_image001[156]   The PATH Environment Variable
clip_image001[157]    How the Shell Expands the Command Line
clip_image001[158]   Shell Shartup Scripts
clip_image001[159]   Login Shells
clip_image001[160]   Startup Scripts: Order of Execution
clip_image001[161]   /etc/profile
clip_image001[162]   /etc/profile.d
clip_image001[163]    /.bash_profile and / .bashrc
clip_image001[164]    / ,bash_logout
clip_image001[165]   End of Unite 9
clip_image001[166]   Lab: The bash Shell and Configuration

UNIT 10 – Advanced Topics in Users, Groups, and Permissions

clip_image001[167]   Objectives
clip_image001[168]   Agenda
clip_image001[169]   User and Group ID Numbers
clip_image001[170]   /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group Files
clip_image001[171]   System Users and Groups
clip_image001[172]   Changing Your Identity
clip_image001[173]   User Information Commands
clip_image001[174]   Default File Permissions
clip_image001[175]   Special Permissions
clip_image001[176]   Special Permissions of Executables
clip_image001[177]   Special Permissions for Directories
clip_image001[178]   End of Unit 10
clip_image001[179]   Lad: Switching Users and Setting a umask

UNIT 11 – Advanced Uses of the vi and vim Editors

clip_image001[180]   Objectives
clip_image001[181]   Agenda
clip_image001[182]   File Repositioning
clip_image001[183]   Screen Repositioning
clip_image001[184]   Filtering
clip_image001[185]   Ex mode: search and Replace
clip_image001[186]   Advance Reading and Saving
clip_image001[187]   Configuring vi and vim
clip_image001[188]   Expanding you Vocabulary
clip_image001[189]   A Peak at the Appendix
clip_image001[190]   End of Unit 11
clip_image001[191]   Lab: Advanced Uses of the vi and vim Editors

UNIT 12 – Standard I/O and Pipes
clip_image001[193]   Agenda
clip_image001[194]   Standard Input and Output
clip_image001[195]   Redirecting Input and Output
clip_image001[196]   Redirecting Output
clip_image001[197]   Redirecting Standard Output
clip_image001[198]   Redirecting Standard Output and Error
clip_image001[199]   Redirecting Input
clip_image001[200]   Using Pipes to Connect Processes
clip_image001[201]   Tee
clip_image001[202]   Piping into the mail Command
clip_image001[203]   End of Unit 12
clip_image001[204]   Lab: Standard I/O and Pipes

UNIT 13 – Introduction to String Processing
clip_image001[206]   Agenda
clip_image001[207]   Head
clip_image001[208]   Tail
clip_image001[209]   Tail – continued
clip_image001[210]   Wc
clip_image001[211]   Sort
clip_image001[212]   Uniq
clip_image001[213]   Cut
clip_image001[214]   Other String Processing
clip_image001[215]   Version Comparison with diff
clip_image001[216]   Spell Checking
clip_image001[217]   Formatting Tools
clip_image001[218]   End of Unit 13
clip_image001[219]   Lab: Introduction to String Processing

UNIT 14 – String Processing with Regular Expressions

clip_image001[220]   Objectives
clip_image001[221]   Agenda
clip_image001[222]   Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
clip_image001[223]   Wildcard Characters
clip_image001[224]   Modifiers
clip_image001[225]   Anchors
clip_image001[226]   Regular Expressions – Examples
clip_image001[227]   Quote your regex’s!
clip_image001[228]   Grep
clip_image001[229]   Sed
clip_image001[230]   Using sed
clip_image001[231]   Less and slocate
clip_image001[232]   Egular Expressions in vi and vim
clip_image001[233]   Extended regex Syntax
clip_image001[234]   Awk
clip_image001[235]   Using awk
clip_image001[236]   End of unit 14
clip_image001[237]   Lab: String Processing with Regular Expressions
UNIT 15 – Introduction to Processes

clip_image001[238]   Objectives
clip_image001[239]   Agenda
clip_image001[240]   What is a Process?
clip_image001[241]   How Processes Are Created
clip_image001[242]   Process Ancestry
clip_image001[243]   Process States
clip_image001[244]   Viewing Processes
clip_image001[245]   Sending Signals to Processes
clip_image001[246]   Terminating Processes
clip_image001[247]   Altering Process Scheduling Priority
clip_image001[248]   Running a Process in the Foreground
clip_image001[249]   Running a Process in the Background
clip_image001[250]   Suspending a Process
clip_image001[251]   Listing background and suspended jobs
clip_image001[252]   Resuming Suspended jobs
clip_image001[253]   Compound Command
clip_image001[254]   Scheduling a Process to Execute later
clip_image001[255]   Scheduling Periodic Processes
clip_image001[256]   Using cron
clip_image001[257]   Crontab File Format
clip_image001[258]   End of Unit 15
clip_image001[259]   Lab: Process Control

UNIT 16 – bash Shell Scripting
clip_image001[261]   Agenda
clip_image001[262]   Scripting Basics
clip_image001[263]   Creating Shell Scripts
clip_image001[264]   Creating Shell Scripts Cont.
clip_image001[265]   Generating Output
clip_image001[266]   Handling Input
clip_image001[267]   Using Positional Parameters
clip_image001[268]   Using Functions in Shell Scripts
clip_image001[269]   Using Functions in Shell Scripts, continued
clip_image001[270]   Exit status
clip_image001[271]   Control Structures
clip_image001[272]   Conditional Execution
clip_image001[273]   Selection Structures: Using the if Statement
clip_image001[274]   File Tests
clip_image001[275]   String Tests
clip_image001[276]   Selection structures: Using if/else Statements
clip_image001[277]   Selection Structures: Using the case Statement
clip_image001[278]   Repetition Structures: The for loop
clip_image001[279]   Repetition Structures: The while loop
clip_image001[280]   Continue and break
clip_image001[281]   Shell Script Debugging

UNIT 17 – Basic Networking Clients
clip_image001[283]   Agenda
clip_image001[284]   Ssh: Secure Shell
clip_image001[285]   Scp: Secure Copy
clip_image001[286]   telnet and the “r” Services
clip_image001[287]   iftp
clip_image001[288]   links Web Clien
clip_image001[289]   mutt
clip_image001[290]   rsync
clip_image001[291]   wget
clip_image001[292]   Network Diagnostic Tools
clip_image001[293]   End of Unit 17
clip_image001[294]   Lab: Basic Networking Clients

UNIT 18 – Programming and Administration
clip_image001[296]   Agenda
clip_image001[297]   Programming Tools
clip_image001[298]   Programming Languages
clip_image001[299]   Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
clip_image001[300]   Red Hat Programming Classes
clip_image001[301]   System Administrator Duties
clip_image001[302]   Red Hat Administration Classes